Tooth Whitening

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Tooth Whitening

Tooth whitening has been carried out in the USA for approx 20 years and for over a decade in the UK and Ireland. Carried out properly, it is safe, pain-free, and provides a simple and lasting aesthetic benefit. In fact whitening your teeth is usually the simplest and most cost effective method to improve your smile and can take years off your age. At the Bishopstown Dental Clinic we have considerable experience in whitening teeth and only use Discus products which includes the remarkable Zoom Whitening System (as used in Extreme Makeover) We have two systems for whitening.

At Home Whitening

Impressions are first taken of the teeth. From these moulds the laboratory can construct custom-made whitening trays specific for each individual. An appropriate whitening agent is then placed inside the trays which are then worn over the teeth for a period of time. The type and concentration of whitening agent, the original colour of the teeth, and the desired end result all determine how long the trays are worn. Typically, the trays are worn overnight for a period of 14 days although this varies considerably.



In Office/Laser Whitening

We use the Laser Zoom Whitening system; this is a revolutionary procedure which whitens your teeth while you wait. It’s ideal for anyone looking for immediate results. During the procedure your gums are protected by a barrier membrane making the whole process totally safe.
Thinking of having your teeth whitened at a beauty salon or by a non-dentist? Before you do check out this advice from the UK’s largest consumer advocacy group. We promise that all whitening carried out at our clinic will be done only by a dentist using tried and tested materials.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the common questions people ask before visiting the dentist.

What is gum disease?

Gum disease (periodontal disease) is a chronic infection that is most often caused by the build up of dental plaque. Gum disease rarely shows symptoms before it is well advanced. It is an infection that can wreak havoc on your teeth and your overall health. While there are many factors involved in the development of gum disease, the most common cause is the build up of dental plaque.

Should I floss every day?

If you want to keep your teeth and body healthy, yes. Brushing your teeth twice daily and cleaning between your teeth and below the gum line with floss not only dislodges the food stuck there at dinner, it also helps protect against gum disease as well as more serious health problems.

Should I go to the dentist when I am pregnant?

Getting a dental check-up during pregnancy is safe. We recommend you have your teeth cleaned and get procedures like cavity fillings done before your baby is born. Our dentists can also help you with any pregnancy-related dental symptoms you might be experiencing. Make sure you tell our appointment booking team and your dentist when you arrive that you are pregnant. In the last trimester, we don’t do anything that can stress you, lying back can be uncomfortable, so for those reasons it’s better not to do anything in the last 3 months. But if something urgent has to be done and you are in the last trimester let us know immediately.

Is tooth whitening safe?

The active ingredient in home and dentist’s office tooth-whitening bleaches is carbamide peroxide, which breaks down into hydrogen peroxide in your mouth. Studies show that this chemical does not raise your risk for oral cancer, which had been an early concern. However, it can temporarily make teeth more sensitive for up to 78 percent of people who have their pearly whites lightened. Your teeth become sensitive because the hydrogen peroxide in whiteners soaks through the protective outer coating of enamel and into the softer layer of dentin underneath, irritating the nerve-rich dental pulp at the core. Microscopic cracks and leaks along dental fillings increase your odds for tooth sensitivity. Up to 40 percent of people who use whitening trays also experience temporary gum irritation as well. It goes away in a few days or at most in a week or so. Don’t use tooth-whitening bleaches more often than recommended. Research shows that these products do wear away microscopic amounts of tooth enamel, which could increase tooth sensitivity and in rare cases, even tooth decay.

How often should I go to the dentist?

People with good healthy teeth and little risk or history of cavities or gum disease are usually able to see their dentist either once or twice a year. People with a high risk of dental disease might need to visit every three or four months, or more depending on past history, the state of their teeth and their dental hygiene routine.

How often should I have my teeth cleaned?

It is recommended twice a year. People with a high risk of dental disease might need to visit three or four times a year, or more depending on past history, the state of their teeth and their dental hygiene routine.

When should my child be checked by a dentist?

It is recommended that your child should have their first check-up after two years of age.

Should I go to the dentist when I am sick?

Don’t go to the dentist if you are sick! Phone your GP to discuss your symptoms if you feel unwell. They may give you advice over the phone or arrange to see you in person. Wait until you are feeling better before scheduling your dental appointment.

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Clinic Hours

Monday-Thursday 8.30am-5.00pm.

Friday 8.30am-3.00pm.


Clinic Location

Inverell, Bishopstown Rd, Bishopstown, Cork

T12 YP5R